Dear Elaine,
Thanks for replying.
I am using commands to make animations.
The commands are given here
windowsize 800 600
movie encode output movie.avi high quality bitrate 10000
But somehow the resolution of the animation si not coming good, then set the max window size and it looks better than the earlier.
Dear Shanti Pal,
You didn’t say if you were using the “movie” command or the Animation tool. In addition to the dpi (pixel width and height) you may also want to consider the image-supersampling and movie quality settings.
With the command “movie record” there are options “supersample” and “size” and for “movie encode” there is a “quality” option, with explanations here:
< >movie.html#record-options
< >movie.html#encode-options
In the Animation tool graphical interface, clicking the red recording button shows another dialog with recording options. In that, see Rendering with Chimera, Supersample, and in its Advanced Options, Quality. Although the size is not shown in this dialog you can enter the same “size X,Y” option (where X and Y are the numbers of pixels for width and height) as would be used with the “movie record” command in the area marked “Additional recording options”.
< >ContributedSoftware/animation/ animation.html#recording
If you didn’t specify size, it would be the same as your Chimera window.
I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco
> On May 25, 2017, at 12:56 PM, Gangwar, Shanti P. <spgangwa@UTMB.EDU> wrote:
> Dear Chimera Developing team,
> I am trying to make an animation using chimera. But it looks like that the animation output is poor quality, seems less dpi. How to get a high resolution animation, say 300 dpi, suing chimera?
> Thank you very much,
> Shanti Pal
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