I’m not sure what you mean by “incorrectly attached pentagons and hexagons”.  Do you mean the edge of a pentagon does not align with the edge of a neighboring hexagon?  Or do you mean the cage has large holes because the topology (pattern of connections) does not make it close?  The former can be done by hand with “move selection” mouse mode as Elaine mentioned and the latter can be done just as a normal use of the cage builder tool.


On Feb 9, 2015, at 3:25 PM, vamsee wrote:

Hello Elaine,

I am trying to build a cage but with incorrectly attached pentagons and hexagons to represent mis-assembly. Though I don't believe it is possible using the cage builder, I was wondering if the wonderfully brilliant chimera team would know of any other ways of doing this or even with the cage builder. 

Thank you yet again,

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