 You made my day 5 hour shorter. Yeah..I want to get good charges using chimera.
Thanks a lot for your help.

On Feb 4, 2008 4:00 PM, Eric Pettersen <> wrote:
Hi Snoze,
I'm going to guess, like Elaine, that your purpose is to add partial charges.  If your 1000 compounds are in one big mol2 file, here is a script that would do the job:

from chimera import openModels, Molecule
from AddCharge import addNonstandardResCharges, estimateFormalCharge, ChargeError
mols = openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule])
log = open("errlog", "w")
for m in mols:
residues = m.residues
atoms = [a for r in residues for a in r.atoms]
fc = estimateFormalCharge(atoms)
addNonstandardResCharges(m.residues, fc)
except ChargeError:
print>>log, "Charge estimate (%d) or protonation wrong for %s (%s)" % (
fc,, m.oslIdent())
from WriteMol2 import writeMol2
writeMol2(mols, "output.mol2")

If you save the above in a file named and your 1000 compounds are in a file named input.mol2, then running:

chimera --nogui input.mol2

will produce a file named output.mol2 with the charges included.  Any problems it had charging particular compounds will be saved in a file named errlog.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Feb 1, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Elaine Meng wrote: