You made my day 5 hour shorter. Yeah..I want to get good charges using chimera.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Snoze,I'm going to guess, like Elaine, that your purpose is to add partial charges. If your 1000 compounds are in one big mol2 file, here is a script that would do the job:from chimera import openModels, Moleculefrom AddCharge import addNonstandardResCharges, estimateFormalCharge, ChargeErrormols = openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule])log = open("errlog", "w")for m in mols:residues = m.residuesatoms = [a for r in residues for a in r.atoms]fc = estimateFormalCharge(atoms)try:addNonstandardResCharges(m.residues, fc)except ChargeError:print>>log, "Charge estimate (%d) or protonation wrong for %s (%s)" % (fc,, m.oslIdent())from WriteMol2 import writeMol2writeMol2(mols, "output.mol2")log.close()If you save the above in a file named and your 1000 compounds are in a file named input.mol2, then running:chimera --nogui input.mol2 script.pywill produce a file named output.mol2 with the charges included. Any problems it had charging particular compounds will be saved in a file named errlog.--EricEric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
On Feb 1, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Elaine Meng wrote: