On Feb 3, 2011, at 5:19 AM, Ricardo Silva wrote:

I am using chimera program to view the rotamers list of pdb archive. I have proceeded from the following form: first I open an archive for chimera, later go to tools menu and alow:

Structute Editing > Rotamer, after that i chose rotamer type and rotamer library then select aply and chimera display rotamers values and its respective probabilities. 

My objective is to save the rotamers list in an archive. Would like know how as can I make these procedures using the chimera commands. 

Hi Ricardo,
If you want to save less-probable rotamers as structures, the changes I mentioned in the mail to Angelica may help you.  If you want to save all the chi-angle values as a text file, well, they all come from publicly-available sources so you could get them yourself.  There are links from the Rotamers help page to the source for each library.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
