Dear Chimera users, I'm attempting to write a chimera script to automate the process of calculating the relative exposure of residues as per this tutorial: The script I have is as follows: rc('surface') # defines areaSES of residues rc('defattr C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/areaSESgxg.txt log 0') # define attribute using areaSESgxg.txt for m in chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule]): for r in m.residues: r.relSESA = r.areaSES/ r.areaSESgxg However, when I run this script, I am receiving this error: [cid:39cc50d4-a627-494c-b0f5-411a7785a9a2] When I run the process using the UI I can successfully calculate relSESA By using the command: "surface" Then using the assign attribute function to assign areaSESgxg.txt Followed by using the calculate attribute function to calculate per residue: residue.areaSES/ residue.areaSESgxg Could you advise on any methods I could use to fix this script to produce the output I am receiving from the UI. Kind regards, David