Hi Boaz,
That means that the saved image should use the CMYK color space, not that you have to specify CMYK colors as you create the image.  From the Save Image Help/Tips page:

Color space. Some publications require images to be in the CMYK color space. Chimera currently saves images in only the RGB color space, so a separate application such as Adobe Photoshop® must be used to switch between the two.


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Feb 21, 2019, at 3:42 PM, Boaz Shaanan <bshaanan@bgu.ac.il> wrote:


Some journals require usage of CMYK color scheme. I see that the CMYK option exists in the color editor but is it possible to define CMYK for all the color actions (actions --> color) without having to go through the color editor for each color? Or am I missing something altogether?
Thanks for you advice,


Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.
Dept. of Life Sciences
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva 84105

E-mail: bshaanan@bgu.ac.il
Phone: 972-8-647-2220
Fax:   972-8-647-2992 or 972-8-646-1710

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