On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Thomas Goddard wrote:
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Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 09:09:04 +0100 From: Julio Otiz <ortiz@biochem.mpg.de> To: Thomas Goddard <goddard@cgl.ucsf.edu> Subject: Registration-VRML-Chimera
A couple of question:
2) VRML export of pdb file representations: As far as I know Chimera can export surfaces of density maps to VRML format. It is possible to export some representation of a pdb files, like ribbons, sphere or sticks also to VRML?. There are some programs that do it, so maybe could be a nice feature to introduce in Chimera (if is not already possible).
So to answer the second question, there is currently an experimental X3D output option that is only available on the command line with the x3dsave command. X3D is the immediate successor to VRML. Chimera outputs the XML version of X3D, so you can use various XML translation tools to convert it to your prefered format. All of the geometry is in the X3D file. FYI, there appears to be a bug with non-flat ribbons, but everything else should work. - Greg