Hello Tom

You were right. 
I removed the Quadro graphics card and installed a lower spec card (GT 710-1G RAM).
Then started Chimera and did the same movements. Chimera did not crash but the card was struggling to cope. 
Rotating a structure with added maps was quite slow. After a while even the chimera menu became slow.

Could you please suggest to me a graphics card that chimera will be happy to "play" with?

Many thanks

On 12 October 2016 at 19:19, Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> wrote:
These Chimera crashes are very likely caused by a graphics driver bug.  These are especially common on Nvidia Quadro cards because very few people use those cards so the drivers seem worse than for consumer cards.  You would only use such a card to support stereoscopic rendering with LCD shutter glasses, as you mention.

At any rate, the only thing likely to fix these crashes is to install either a newer or older graphics driver that does not hit the bugs.

If you use Chimera menu entry Help / Report a Bug… you can send us a report that includes your graphics driver version.  We can discuss the problem more through via our bug reporting system.


On Oct 12, 2016, at 3:17 AM, Yanni Goudeuk <goudeuk@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Chimera developers

I've got the latest chimera (1.11.2rc), installed on windows 7 (64bit).
My card is Nvidia Quadro K2000 and is using the latest drivers: 369.49
- 3D OpenGL stereo is enabled under "manage 3D settings" in nvidia Control Panel

My problem is that chimera crashes a few minutes after I open a .pyc file.
Sometimes it will crash when I add a map in "model panel", sometimes when I rotate the structure, sometimes when I go though the tabs under "Favourites" --> "Side view". This is happening with other .pyc files too. I can also confirm that this is happening with older versions of chimera.

Please have a look at the Application error log from event viewer:

The program pythonw.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
 Process ID: ab0
 Start Time: 01d2246bcf21dbd4
 Termination Time: 46
 Application Path: C:\Program Files\Chimera 1.11.2rc\bin\pythonw.exe
 Report Id: 3c965b43-905f-11e6-bd99-b8ca3a8bb0d4 

If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Many thanks
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