I was wondering if there was a script available that  would get the map density values of amino aid residues  in a model fitted to an EM or X-ray density map and then write the data to a text file?

Essentially what I need is something that does something like this (but not laboriously by hand)

e.g. in command line mode

select #1:1.B

then I use Tools>Volume Data>Fit in Map and click 'Update' to get the average map density value for the atoms in amino acid residue number 1 in chain B of model 1. 

Many thanks for your help

Bob Ford,
Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, Faculty of Life Sciences,
131 Princess St.,
The University of Manchester
Manchester   M1 7DN, UK.

Tel: +44(0)161 2004187
Fax: +44 (0)161 3068918