open model1.pdb open model2.pdb turn y -90; move x 5 morph start #0 frames 20 name morph1 method linear morph interpolate #1 name morph1 morph movie name morph1 # undisplay all atoms, bonds, ribbons ~disp;~ribbon # display CA atoms to show pseudobond but unchain them disp #2@ca; setattr m autochain 0 # show sidechains in binding pocket disp #2 & with CA/C1' & ligand z<5 setattr g lineWidth 8 # have to make two tubes, on either side of missing segment shape tube #2:start-29@ca radius 0.35 band 5 modelId 3;shape tube #2:36-end@ca radius 0.35 band 5 modelId 3 alias ^tube close 3; shape tube #2:start-29@ca radius 0.35 band 5 modelId 3;shape tube #2:36-end@ca radius 0.35 band 5 modelId 3 perframe tube movie record # show morph unbound->bound, then display ligand coordset #2 21,1,-1; wait 21; ~perframe disp #0 & ligand; wait 5 movie stop movie encode output ~/Desktop/