Thank you Eric for the URL.Could you please help me understand what is going on here?from chimera import openModels, Molecule # import
models = openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule]) # array for model- different PDBs
if models[0].id == 0: # what does this do? m0, m1 = models
else: # m1, m0 = models # why interchanged the m1, mo? chains = [m0.sequence('A'), m1.sequence('B')] # how do I know how many chains are present in PDB file?On Monday, October 27, 2014 6:35 PM, Eric Pettersen <> wrote:
Hi Sanjeev,Take a look at this chimera-users message: [Chimera-users] easy way to make alignments in chimera . I think it answers most of your questions. The only change you would need to make is that where it uses "saveStockholm" you would instead use "saveFASTA".--EricOn Oct 27, 2014, at 2:25 PM, Sanjeev Sariya <> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi Chimera Developers,I've used chimera mostly by GUI inerface [click].How do I get the match-align work from command line in a python script?I read a good description at:work flow of the script is:take in 2 pdb files and match->align them.I think, I will have to open them before running 'mols = openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule])' ?How do I get the output saved in a FASTA file without MAV interface?
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