Hi Mike,

  The Chimera animation dialog that works with scenes is only useful for making the simplest of movies because scenes don’t save complete state and few transitions are available.  For movies that run into those limitations you should use Chimera command scripts to create movies.  For hiding or showing a rectangle the “modeldisp” command would be used in such a script.  Here is a Chimera movie making tutorial based on command scripts


and here are examples of commands useful for animations



On Feb 16, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Michael Oldham wrote:

Chimera users,

I am making an animation that needs to include either a box generated with an opened .bild file using a .box command or a rectangle generated by "shape rectangle”

I wish the box or rectangle to appear in some scenes but not in others. My problem is, if I choose to show the box or rectangle in the first scene then it is shown in all subsequent scenes even if they were created in which the box or rectangle were not shown.

Any suggestions on how to show the box or rectangle in only selected scenes of the animation.


Mike Oldham

Rockefeller University
Chimera-users mailing list