Do you have 10.2 accessible? If so, it (matplotlib) really isn't that hard to compile. I could send it pretty much ready to go with clear and concise instruction. I would think that would be easier than posting yet another release. On 1/5/06, Thomas Goddard <> wrote:
Hi Charlie,
I think your module would work if compiled on Mac OS 10.2 against the Mac OS 10.2 Chimera 1.2184. That will run on both 10.2 and 10.3. We do not currently build Chimera on Mac OS 10.3.
Of course you probably don't have 10.2 available.
We plan on making a new Chimera production release later this month which will likely be built on Mac OS 10.4 or 10.3 and will run on both 10.3 and 10.4. We will be dropping support for 10.2.
If you can't wait (probably a month), we might be able to provide a Mac OS 10.3 build of the current development version of Chimera.