Dear colleagues, calculation of partial charges in Chimera looks to work improperly in my hands. After addcharge or dokprep procedures, independent on method used (am1-bcc or Gasteiger), mol2 files are just the same: @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE .... PROTEIN AMBER ff14SB @<TRIPOS>ATOM 1 N -76.5030 6.5380 -16.5070 N.4 1 ARG 0.1305 2 CA -75.2450 7.2900 -16.2110 C.3 1 ARG -0.0223 .... The problem persist in both Chimera 1.17.3 and ChimeraX. The latter gives even "NO_CHARGES" comment in both (am1-bcc and Gasteiger) cases: @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE .... PROTEIN NO_CHARGES @<TRIPOS>ATOM 1 N -76.5030 6.5380 -16.5070 N.4 1 ARG 0.1305 2 CA -75.2450 7.2900 -16.2110 C.3 1 ARG -0.0223 .... I am not an expert in molecular modeling, sorry. But I think that I am doing something wrong. Could you please help me with setting charges properly? Thank you in advance! PS. I am a newbie here. Please don't hurt me too much. Yours sincerely, Al.