Hello Chimera Feedback Team, For clarity and conciseness, I will jump immediately to my issue. I wish to import a CIF file of an inorganic crystal structure into the Chimera Program so that I can selectively eliminate certain atoms, and potentially create a video similar to one of the examples given on the website with a rotation and zoom into the meat of the structure. The file I import (.CIF) should have the proper symmetry group listed in addition to the lattice parameters of a unit cell, but when I try to generate a unit cell, the space group, cell size, and cell angles sections are blank, and therefore no copies can be made. Also, the viewing options give a choice between part ball and stick, part full atom, and essentially nothing else even with selecting the different presets. I know I am not working with PDB files but if there is anything in there that you could help me with, I would greatly appreciate it. Sincere Thanks, Graeme Gardner Graduate Assistant Rutgers University Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology