
I would like to suggest an improvement in the GUI: when a data set of multiple files is opened (for example multiple .cube files) the Volume Viewer displays options (including hide / show) for only 3 of them. There is no scroll up or down. Resizing the window does not change the number of loaded files to manipulate for visualization.

Let's say I want to browse a set of 12 molecular orbitals - I have to manually click on each one in the "Data set list", then click the hide (eye) icon in the detailed options list below and do this for all molecular orbitals / .cube files, otherwise Chimera visualized all of them at the same time. It is simply not convinient to hide and show them if I want to view more than 3 files in the Volume Viewer.

In ChimeraX that issue does not exist, yet it lacks working linux binaries (too many dependencies to cover outside of distros like debian ot red hat, especially if the dependencies are not explicitly mentioned and the distro does not provide them with a package manager).

Best Regards,