Hi George,
VMD may provide more analysis capabilities in this regard.  The RMSD plot you referenced provides a frame-vs.-frame 2D plot of RMSD variance for a selected set of atoms.  So if you select the backbone atoms (e.g. "sel backbone.full" or Select->Structure->backbone->full) and ensure that "Restrict map to current selection, if any" in the RMSD dialog is set to true then the resulting plot will be just for the backbone atoms.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Jan 5, 2011, at 9:34 AM, George Tzotzos wrote:

I'd be grateful if you informed if there's a way one can plot protein backbone rmsd fluctuations of trajectories.  I checked


I may have missed the salient points.

Many thanks in advance

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