Hi chimera team,

We can’t get any stereo to work in ChimeraX though several trials. In the earlier Chimera all worked perfectly. We are especially interested in red-cyan stereo as it’s most suitable for a large public and easy to use even with colors. 
Could you please let us know how to install e.g. red-cyan stereo for ChimeraX. 

We thank you in advance 



Peter Engelhardt PhD., Docent

Adjunct Professor in Molecular Genetics

Unit of Molecular Electron Tomography and Nanoscopy

Nanomicroscopy Center (NMC), Otanano

Aalto University, School of Science and Technology,

Puumiehenkuja 2, FI02150 Espoo


Mobil Phone: +358 400193342

Email: Peter.Engelhardt@Helsinki.Fi

Email: Peter.Engelhardt@Aalto.Fi

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