Hi Jasminka,

  That is very strange.  Are you using the Chimera movie command or a Chimera movie recording dialog?  It is likely that the problem is caused by a graphics driver bug.  If you are using the movie command try using the movie record option "supersample 3" or "supersample 1".  This will save the images using an off-screen buffer and it can't possibly get the menus and command-line in the image.  The "supersample 0" setting captures images directly from the screen.  That should not include menus or command-line but some graphics driver bug is probably causing that.  In the Chimera 1.6 production release supersample 0 is the default for the movie record command while in daily builds the default is supersample 1.

  For more help you should use Chimera menu Help / Report a Bug....  That way we will know your exact Chimera version, operating system version, graphics driver version, graphics card,  ... all the relevant system info that might help solve your problem.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Chimera-users] making a movie problem
From: Boskovic.Jasminka
To: chimera-users@cgl.ucsf.edu
Date: 8/29/12 7:08 AM




I am trying to make a movie with chimera but instead of filming just a molecule’s movement the program is making the frames of all the chimera window showing the “File, Select, Actions etc” bottoms and the command line?


How can I remove this option and film just the molecule window?


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Jasminka Boskovic, PhD

Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas-CNIO

(Spanish National Cancer Research Centre-CNIO)

Melchor Fernandez Almagro 3

28029 Madrid


Tel.: + (34) 917 328 000 (ext 3031)

Fax: + (34) 912 246 980