Dear Eric and Elaine,
Thank you so much for your inputs. I could implement the 'weighted distance' representation. I have certain queries. I would appreciate your inputs for the same.
1) When i type help(object) in chimera's python shell, it shows the help message, is there any to way to make the help information to be displayed in a separate window. I tried in config setting but i couldnt make it.
2) Is there any way to invoke chimera within normal python interpreter. I am able to do this for pymol. But i dnt know if i can do the same with chimera. I tried to set PYTHONPATH, but it vain.
[cbala@RAMANA ~]$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 30 2008, 15:41:38)
[GCC 4.3.2 20080917 (Red Hat 4.3.2-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pymol
3) In the following code, i am collecting Cbeta atoms from two groups of residues and calculating the cb-cb distance. If instead of Cbeta, i have to calculate the side chain COM-COM (center of mass) distance between two groups of residues, how can i do it or which module should i use.
4)What is the syntax to change the color of pseudobonds ?
I am pasting the script below so that it may be useful to someone who wants to do a similar thing.
>>> import chimera
>>> from StructMeasure.DistMonitor import *
>>> res=model[0].residues
>>> don_atom=[];acp_atom=[]
#collecting CB atoms of donor and acceptor residues
>>> for x in res:
if x.type in ['ARG','GLN']: don_atom.append(x.atomsMap['CB'][0])
elif x.type=='GLU': acp_atom.append(x.atomsMap['CB'][0])
else: continue
#open the distance weight data
>>> weight={}
>>> for line in open('rad.dat'):
>>> b=[]
#pseudo bond list
>>> for v1 in don_atom:
for v2 in acp_atom: b.append(distanceMonitor.newPseudoBond(v1,v2))
#changing pseudo bond features
>>> for pb in b:
if chi in weight: pb.radius=float(weight[chi])
Oops. The module name is "StructMeasure", not "StructureMeasure", so the correct line of Python would be:from StructMeasure.DistMonitor import distanceMonitor--EricOn May 10, 2010, at 3:36 AM, Bala subramanian wrote:Dear Elaine and Eric,
Thanks for the inputs. I started the chimera interface and tried to use the StructureMeasure module using the IDLE that is present in chimera but it shows me import Error. I dnt understand why. I am using chimera 1.5 alpha version 29904. Do i need to set some path to use the module.
>>> from StructureMeasure import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
from StructureMeasure import *
ImportError: No module named StructureMeasure
BalaOn Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Eric Pettersen <> wrote:On May 5, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Elaine Meng wrote:With Chimera commands, you can create a distance monitor and set its stick thickness, color, etc.:
open 1zik
alias pair1 #0:22.a@oe2:25@ne
dist pair1
setattr p drawMode 1 pair1
setattr p radius .05 pair1
setattr p color hot pink pair1
setattr p label " " pair1
However, it sounds like python will be necessary to conditionally set radius or color depending on the value of the distance.A little more info on this possibility. You can get the distance-monitor pseudobond group in Chimera with:from StructureMeasure.DistMonitor import distanceMonitorand run through the distance-monitor pseudobonds with:for pb in something that sets pb.radius based on pb.length()...--Eric