On Jun 10, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Bala subramanian wrote:

I wrote a small script to calculate the distance between two atoms in a list of pdb files. I would like to know how i can redirect the message that appears in replyobj to a text file. Some chimera commands like findhbon has option to save the result in file. But distance command dosent have the same.

 import glob
 from chimera import runCommand as rc

 filenames=[ fn for fn in glob.glob('*.pdb.*')]
 for fn in filenames:
     rc("open " + fn)
     rc("distance :1@CA :166@CA")  # I have to write this distance to a file.
     rc("close all")

Hi Bala,
Since you are using a Python script, you can use the saveReplyLog method in the chimera.tkgui module to save the contents of the reply log to a file, e.g.:

for fn in filenames:
rc("open " + fn)
rc("distance :1@ca :166@ca")
rc("close all")
from chimera.tkgui import saveReplyLog

In tomorrow's build there will also be a clearReplyLog method, so you would be able to save a distance file for each structure with:

from chimera.tkgui import saveReplyLog, clearReplyLog
for fn in filenames:
rc("open " + fn)
rc("distance :1@ca :166@ca")
saveReplyLog(fn[:-3] + "distance")
rc("close all")


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
