Is there a way to change the look-and-feel of the GUI open dialog box? Every time I try to open a file using the File>Open option in the GUI menu I'm faced with the problem of not being able to see the entire file names in the file navigator window. Enlarging the size of the open dialog box doesn't seem to resolve the issue. -Rocco

On Jun 15, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Rocco Varela wrote:
Is there a way to change the look-and-feel of the GUI open dialog box? Every time I try to open a file using the File>Open option in the GUI menu I'm faced with the problem of not being able to see the entire file names in the file navigator window. Enlarging the size of the open dialog box doesn't seem to resolve the issue.
Hi Rocco, This is kind of a known problem and an open ticket (#311) for improving this behavior has been laying around in our database for 8 years(!). One of the reasons it has languished is that no simple solution really suggested itself that wasn't a heck of a lot of programming effort. However, while thinking about your request just now I did think of a solution that wasn't too hard and also wasn't wickedly ugly. In tomorrow's build the browser columns will configure themselves to the width of the longest name in the column — within the range of 20-100 "characters" (what the Tk GUI toolkit believes to be the width of a character). I hope that will be good enough for your needs. I could always change the limits if not. --Eric Eric Pettersen UCSF Computer Graphics Lab http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu
participants (2)
Eric Pettersen
Rocco Varela