Re: [Chimera-users] Fwd: Re: 3D stereo

Hi Greg, Both DepthQ and Christie (made in fact by the same manufacturer.; are, as expected, sold in France by a unique firm. They say that DepthQ HDs3D-1 ($2,995) has no capability for 3D for a conference room with 30-50 people, and that my only option is Christie (> $65,000!). Your earlier mail states that DepthQ can go along with a 3-meter size screen, suggesting it could accommodate an audience of 30-50 people. Can you, please, comment on all these issues and eventually let me know if I can go along with DepthQ DLP? Many thanks in advance. Best, Nadir Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural& Molecular Biochemistry Nutrigenex - INSERM U-954 Nancy University, School of Medicine 9, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) E-mail: Nadir.Mrabet<at> Cell.: +33 (0) LEGAL NOTICE Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. Access to this E-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this E-mail, or any action taken (or not taken) in reliance on it, is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not an addressee, please inform the sender immediately. On 28/09/2010 12:59, Greg Couch wrote:
Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] 3D stereo Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:59:13 -0700 From: Greg Couch <> To: CC:
On 07/21/2010 07:24 AM, Nadir T. Mrabet wrote:
This is for teaching purposes so that students can "walk" though 3D structures. Would it be possible to use Chimera via a 3D stereo beamer to project display on a very large screen and watch the selected structure in 3D by means of shutter glasses? If this is so, what kind of equipment would you recommend?
Many thanks,
So there were some developments at SIGGRAPH, but nothing that would change the previous recommendations made in the chimera-users mailing list.
To summarize, for a large group of people, you want a setup similar to what is done for 3D movies in a movie theater, which is to use left-hand and right-hand circularly polarized light for the left-eye and right-eye images. There are three parts to the setup: (1) projecting the stereo images, (2) reflecting the images, (3) receiving the images at the eyes.
1. For projecting the stereo images with chimera, you need a workstation-class graphics card, either an AMD FirePro (or ATI FireGL) or a NVIDIA Quadro (or Quadro FX, not Quadro NVS), and either (a) two projectors with passive polarizers, or (b) a single projector with an active polarizers. The single projector method is much simpler to maintain because you don't have to keep aligning the two projectors, but may cost more because the projector has to be able to display at 120Hz (and there's the cost of the active polarizer). The relative costs of the two options vary. Active polarizers are available from DepthQ,, and RealD, DepthQ also sells a 3D projector that can display 3 meter wide images, and has European distributers, so that might be the best choice. If you want a larger image, you'll need a Christie Mirage or a Barco projector.
2. To reflect the stereo images, you need a screen that doesn't change the polarization of the light. There are lots of choices. Google for "3D projection screen" to see what's available. What screen you want depends on the layout of the room that the stereo projection will be in. Narrow rooms can use screens with a smaller viewing cone and higher gain. I've heard good things about Stewart Filmscreen, but get recommendations from whoever you buy your projector too.
3. Last part of making sure each eye only receives the image it is supposed to is for the person to wear circularly polarized glasses. Google for "polarized 3d glasses" to see what's available. I'd avoid the disposable paper ones. I like the RealD glasses that the movie theaters use. Perhaps a theater would sell some to you. The glasses from Zalman displays work too.
Bon chance,

Hi Nadir, We have a early DepthQ. The screen is about ~three meters wide, which is limited by the height of the room. I would suspect we could go bigger. We can pack 30 people in our conference room. We have been doing stereo for 15+ years. The limiting factor we have seen is the cost of stereo glasses, originally $1k each & now at $300. If you are going beyond 5 people a polarizer with passive polarized glasses is the way to go. Unlike the Zalman and other monitors where you loose 50% of your vertical resolution, the DepthQ will give you full resolution because it buffers the LR frames. The big problem we have seen with stereo is implementing it correctly. Just like color blindness, a fairly large percentage of the population just does not get it or barely gets it; but unlike colorblindness tests which most people are familiar with the concept and their personal results, stereoscopic vision ability is not normally measured or discussed, so most people are clueless about their ability or inability. Optometry stereo tests are available and not difficult to use, they require no batteries or equipment. Beyond this, actually producing stereo imagery has some tricky hurdles. Stereoscopic effect is a macular phenomena, which occurs at the center of vision about the size of a baseball at arms length or the moon on the horizon. In the real world the stereo zone is constantly moving as we move the focus of attention. For one or two people exploring a dataset on a monitor, making these adjustments can be done (but could be significantly improved through better interfaces to stereo control parameters, like a knob on binoculars). But for a large crowd, this interactive ambiguity can be a major liability, consequently a choreographed animation is needed. GREG- correct me if I am wrong here: using reset to change from keyframes does not change the stereo values, so this is a tricky problem in getting the stereo to change during the animation. Consider this, in the movie Avatar the stereo effect is weak and strong, depending on the focus of the storyline. Through out the movie, there is stereo, no stereo, strong stereo, weak stereo, no stereo, etc. The common problem in presenting to conference room crowds is the mistake of turning on the stereo, setting the parameters once and you are done. To make it work effectively you have to dynamically change those parameters in a way that guides the audience to what is being revealed. One size does not work, you have to make it work for the people in the front of room optimally, then adjust the effect for people in the back of the room to see it optimally. It is the dynamically changes in the brain that accentuates the effect; too fast and you confuse the audience, too slow and they are bored. Matt ________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Nadir T. Mrabet [] Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 11:14 AM To: Greg Couch Cc: BB Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] Fwd: Re: 3D stereo Hi Greg, Both DepthQ and Christie (made in fact by the same manufacturer.; are, as expected, sold in France by a unique firm. They say that DepthQ HDs3D-1 ($2,995) has no capability for 3D for a conference room with 30-50 people, and that my only option is Christie (> $65,000!). Your earlier mail states that DepthQ can go along with a 3-meter size screen, suggesting it could accommodate an audience of 30-50 people. Can you, please, comment on all these issues and eventually let me know if I can go along with DepthQ DLP? Many thanks in advance. Best, Nadir Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural & Molecular Biochemistry Nutrigenex - INSERM U-954 Nancy University, School of Medicine 9, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) E-mail: Nadir.Mrabet <at> Cell.: +33 (0) LEGAL NOTICE Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. Access to this E-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this E-mail, or any action taken (or not taken) in reliance on it, is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not an addressee, please inform the sender immediately. On 28/09/2010 12:59, Greg Couch wrote: Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] 3D stereo Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:59:13 -0700 From: Greg Couch <><> To:<> CC:<> On 07/21/2010 07:24 AM, Nadir T. Mrabet wrote:
This is for teaching purposes so that students can "walk" though 3D structures. Would it be possible to use Chimera via a 3D stereo beamer to project display on a very large screen and watch the selected structure in 3D by means of shutter glasses? If this is so, what kind of equipment would you recommend?
Many thanks,
So there were some developments at SIGGRAPH, but nothing that would change the previous recommendations made in the chimera-users mailing list. To summarize, for a large group of people, you want a setup similar to what is done for 3D movies in a movie theater, which is to use left-hand and right-hand circularly polarized light for the left-eye and right-eye images. There are three parts to the setup: (1) projecting the stereo images, (2) reflecting the images, (3) receiving the images at the eyes. 1. For projecting the stereo images with chimera, you need a workstation-class graphics card, either an AMD FirePro (or ATI FireGL) or a NVIDIA Quadro (or Quadro FX, not Quadro NVS), and either (a) two projectors with passive polarizers, or (b) a single projector with an active polarizers. The single projector method is much simpler to maintain because you don't have to keep aligning the two projectors, but may cost more because the projector has to be able to display at 120Hz (and there's the cost of the active polarizer). The relative costs of the two options vary. Active polarizers are available from DepthQ,, and RealD, DepthQ also sells a 3D projector that can display 3 meter wide images, and has European distributers, so that might be the best choice. If you want a larger image, you'll need a Christie Mirage or a Barco projector. 2. To reflect the stereo images, you need a screen that doesn't change the polarization of the light. There are lots of choices. Google for "3D projection screen" to see what's available. What screen you want depends on the layout of the room that the stereo projection will be in. Narrow rooms can use screens with a smaller viewing cone and higher gain. I've heard good things about Stewart Filmscreen, but get recommendations from whoever you buy your projector too. 3. Last part of making sure each eye only receives the image it is supposed to is for the person to wear circularly polarized glasses. Google for "polarized 3d glasses" to see what's available. I'd avoid the disposable paper ones. I like the RealD glasses that the movie theaters use. Perhaps a theater would sell some to you. The glasses from Zalman displays work too. Bon chance, Greg

Hi Matt, Thanks for your input. First, I should correct my ealier statement: DepthQ sells Christie's products but does not manufacture them.
From your mail, I understand that 30 people is the largest audience you can pack using the 3D with DepthQ, otherwise correct me please. Active stereo glasses 'Xpand' cost around $100, now, but battery replacement can indeed become costly over time.
What sort of tricks have you been able to collect over your 15+ years experience to implement stereo correctly. I hear elsewhere that the ViewSonic DLP beamer (~$1400) might be a better option and that it is worthless spending more money. GREG- I also need your input. Best, Nadir -- Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural & Molecular Biochemistry INSERM U-954 UHP - Nancy 1, School of Medicine 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex France Tel : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) E-mail : Selon "Dougherty, Matthew T" <>:
Hi Nadir,
We have a early DepthQ. The screen is about ~three meters wide, which is limited by the height of the room. I would suspect we could go bigger. We can pack 30 people in our conference room. We have been doing stereo for 15+ years. The limiting factor we have seen is the cost of stereo glasses, originally $1k each & now at $300. If you are going beyond 5 people a polarizer with passive polarized glasses is the way to go. Unlike the Zalman and other monitors where you loose 50% of your vertical resolution, the DepthQ will give you full resolution because it buffers the LR frames.
The big problem we have seen with stereo is implementing it correctly. Just like color blindness, a fairly large percentage of the population just does not get it or barely gets it; but unlike colorblindness tests which most people are familiar with the concept and their personal results, stereoscopic vision ability is not normally measured or discussed, so most people are clueless about their ability or inability. Optometry stereo tests are available and not difficult to use, they require no batteries or equipment.
Beyond this, actually producing stereo imagery has some tricky hurdles. Stereoscopic effect is a macular phenomena, which occurs at the center of vision about the size of a baseball at arms length or the moon on the horizon. In the real world the stereo zone is constantly moving as we move the focus of attention. For one or two people exploring a dataset on a monitor, making these adjustments can be done (but could be significantly improved through better interfaces to stereo control parameters, like a knob on binoculars). But for a large crowd, this interactive ambiguity can be a major liability, consequently a choreographed animation is needed.
GREG- correct me if I am wrong here: using reset to change from keyframes does not change the stereo values, so this is a tricky problem in getting the stereo to change during the animation.
Consider this, in the movie Avatar the stereo effect is weak and strong, depending on the focus of the storyline. Through out the movie, there is stereo, no stereo, strong stereo, weak stereo, no stereo, etc. The common problem in presenting to conference room crowds is the mistake of turning on the stereo, setting the parameters once and you are done. To make it work effectively you have to dynamically change those parameters in a way that guides the audience to what is being revealed. One size does not work, you have to make it work for the people in the front of room optimally, then adjust the effect for people in the back of the room to see it optimally. It is the dynamically changes in the brain that accentuates the effect; too fast and you confuse the audience, too slow and they are bored.
Matt ________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Nadir T. Mrabet [] Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 11:14 AM To: Greg Couch Cc: BB Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] Fwd: Re: 3D stereo
Hi Greg,
Both DepthQ and Christie (made in fact by the same manufacturer.; are, as expected, sold in France by a unique firm. They say that DepthQ HDs3D-1 ($2,995) has no capability for 3D for a conference room with 30-50 people, and that my only option is Christie (> $65,000!). Your earlier mail states that DepthQ can go along with a 3-meter size screen, suggesting it could accommodate an audience of 30-50 people. Can you, please, comment on all these issues and eventually let me know if I can go along with DepthQ DLP? Many thanks in advance.
Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural & Molecular Biochemistry Nutrigenex - INSERM U-954 Nancy University, School of Medicine 9, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) E-mail: Nadir.Mrabet <at> Cell.: +33 (0)
LEGAL NOTICE Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. Access to this E-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this E-mail, or any action taken (or not taken) in reliance on it, is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not an addressee, please inform the sender immediately.
On 28/09/2010 12:59, Greg Couch wrote:
Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] 3D stereo Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:59:13 -0700 From: Greg Couch <><> To:<> CC:<>
On 07/21/2010 07:24 AM, Nadir T. Mrabet wrote:
This is for teaching purposes so that students can "walk" though 3D structures. Would it be possible to use Chimera via a 3D stereo beamer to project display on a very large screen and watch the selected structure in 3D by means of shutter glasses? If this is so, what kind of equipment would you recommend?
Many thanks,
So there were some developments at SIGGRAPH, but nothing that would change the previous recommendations made in the chimera-users mailing list.
To summarize, for a large group of people, you want a setup similar to what is done for 3D movies in a movie theater, which is to use left-hand and right-hand circularly polarized light for the left-eye and right-eye images. There are three parts to the setup: (1) projecting the stereo images, (2) reflecting the images, (3) receiving the images at the eyes.
1. For projecting the stereo images with chimera, you need a workstation-class graphics card, either an AMD FirePro (or ATI FireGL) or a NVIDIA Quadro (or Quadro FX, not Quadro NVS), and either (a) two projectors with passive polarizers, or (b) a single projector with an active polarizers. The single projector method is much simpler to maintain because you don't have to keep aligning the two projectors, but may cost more because the projector has to be able to display at 120Hz (and there's the cost of the active polarizer). The relative costs of the two options vary. Active polarizers are available from DepthQ,, and RealD, DepthQ also sells a 3D projector that can display 3 meter wide images, and has European distributers, so that might be the best choice. If you want a larger image, you'll need a Christie Mirage or a Barco projector.
2. To reflect the stereo images, you need a screen that doesn't change the polarization of the light. There are lots of choices. Google for "3D projection screen" to see what's available. What screen you want depends on the layout of the room that the stereo projection will be in. Narrow rooms can use screens with a smaller viewing cone and higher gain. I've heard good things about Stewart Filmscreen, but get recommendations from whoever you buy your projector too.
3. Last part of making sure each eye only receives the image it is supposed to is for the person to wear circularly polarized glasses. Google for "polarized 3d glasses" to see what's available. I'd avoid the disposable paper ones. I like the RealD glasses that the movie theaters use. Perhaps a theater would sell some to you. The glasses from Zalman displays work too.
Bon chance,

Hi Nadir, I think polarized glasses may be a better choice than active glasses even for presentations to 8 people. I give about a dozen stereo presentations per year in a small room that holds about 15 people max. We have only 9 pairs of (working) active glasses. Each time I give a presentation I test all 9 pairs of glasses and replace batteries if needed. That's about a 3 minute setup step before every presentation -- seems small but it is a pain. Worse is that I often host groups of 10-12 people and then it is necessary to share the glasses. I really think the active glasses are a mediocre solution and think we would be much better off with 15 pairs of polarized glasses (and the projector needed for that). But I have only used polarized glasses on LCD monitors and in movie theaters and am not sure how the quality of the stereo compares to active glasses in this small room projection environment. Tom
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your input.
First, I should correct my ealier statement: DepthQ sells Christie's products but does not manufacture them.
From your mail, I understand that 30 people is the largest audience you can pack using the 3D with DepthQ, otherwise correct me please. Active stereo glasses 'Xpand' cost around $100, now, but battery replacement can indeed become costly over time.
What sort of tricks have you been able to collect over your 15+ years experience to implement stereo correctly.
I hear elsewhere that the ViewSonic DLP beamer (~$1400) might be a better option and that it is worthless spending more money.
GREG- I also need your input.

Hi Nadir, Definitely investigate the ViewSonic products, but from their website, it is unclear what 3D-ready means to ViewSonic. You'll need to talk to a salesman. My guess is that they only work with the NVIDIA 3D Vision active glasses and if so, for a large audience, you'd would need the more expensive NVIDIA 3D Vision PRO glasses (they use RF instead of IR) for people in the back to reliably see the stereo images (alternatively, you would need several IR stereo emitters to fill the whole room -- just like a movie theater, don't get stuck behind the big guy). Presumably you have a conference room that you would like to put the projector in. I'd recommend having DepthQ bring a demonstration system to that room and show you stereo images (eg., a 3D movie) and where they think the farthest reasonable sitting position is. Then you can stand at the back and the sides of the room to see for yourself. Bon Chance, Greg On 11/20/2010 5:28 AM, wrote:
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your input.
First, I should correct my ealier statement: DepthQ sells Christie's products but does not manufacture them.
From your mail, I understand that 30 people is the largest audience you can pack using the 3D with DepthQ, otherwise correct me please. Active stereo glasses 'Xpand' cost around $100, now, but battery replacement can indeed become costly over time.
What sort of tricks have you been able to collect over your 15+ years experience to implement stereo correctly.
I hear elsewhere that the ViewSonic DLP beamer (~$1400) might be a better option and that it is worthless spending more money.
GREG- I also need your input.

Hi Greg, Well I am trying to get feed-back from colleagues with hands-on experience with 3D DLP as a support for teaching and/or small-group seminars. Please, could anyone answer my (practical) question regarding which beamer has worked best, in their hands, for a 30-50 people conference room. Later on, after I've got an answer on that, then I will perhaps address a new question regarding glasses. Many thanks in advance. Nadir PS: Thanks Greg. May I say the actual spelling is "Bonne chance" as luck is a "feminine" word in French (with all due implications). Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural& Molecular Biochemistry Nutrigenex - INSERM U-954 Nancy University, School of Medicine 9, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) E-mail: Nadir.Mrabet<at> On 22/11/2010 09:37, Greg Couch wrote:
Hi Nadir,
Definitely investigate the ViewSonic products, but from their website, it is unclear what 3D-ready means to ViewSonic. You'll need to talk to a salesman. My guess is that they only work with the NVIDIA 3D Vision active glasses and if so, for a large audience, you'd would need the more expensive NVIDIA 3D Vision PRO glasses (they use RF instead of IR) for people in the back to reliably see the stereo images (alternatively, you would need several IR stereo emitters to fill the whole room -- just like a movie theater, don't get stuck behind the big guy).
Presumably you have a conference room that you would like to put the projector in. I'd recommend having DepthQ bring a demonstration system to that room and show you stereo images (eg., a 3D movie) and where they think the farthest reasonable sitting position is. Then you can stand at the back and the sides of the room to see for yourself.
Bon Chance,
On 11/20/2010 5:28 AM, wrote:
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your input.
First, I should correct my ealier statement: DepthQ sells Christie's products but does not manufacture them.
From your mail, I understand that 30 people is the largest audience you can pack using the 3D with DepthQ, otherwise correct me please. Active stereo glasses 'Xpand' cost around $100, now, but battery replacement can indeed become costly over time.
What sort of tricks have you been able to collect over your 15+ years experience to implement stereo correctly.
I hear elsewhere that the ViewSonic DLP beamer (~$1400) might be a better option and that it is worthless spending more money.
GREG- I also need your input.

Hi Nadir, Very few tricks. Stereoscopic vision is not straight forward. My main advice is not get ahead of the industry, it is evolving and a misstep can be expensive. Besides active shutter glasses, passive polarized glasses, IR/DLP/polarizers, sequential stereo and vertical stereo; there are another 5 methods in the wings being evaluated. The implementation for the film industry (which have full time people with deep budgets figuring it out) has not got production process fully resolved in terms of relation to the director (e.g., are they more in the camp of the color correction crew, or in the camp of the cinematographers, or are they a new breed that enhances the production but does not dominate the process), there are a number of issues regarding quality control and being over-the-top with the effect. Kind of like color correctors, do you want somebody who is color blind or marginal at the QC switch during production? I consider the stereoscopic to be a 2 percent'er or maybe 15% at best; that is, it enhances the visualization but there are number of hurdles and depending on the situation, the cost benefit analysis may not pan out in many cases. But, ff you have people who have strong stereoscopic ability it could substantially enhance their speed and quality of work. A major bottleneck is the ability to ergonomically control the stereo parameters; imagine using a pair of binoculars and having to set them down and type in a number for an adjustment, as opposed to conveniently rotating a knob while holding the binoculars to the eye. So my main trick is to make it work on a monitor, create a lot of product, scale it to a larger venue, and go to the stereoscopic conference in January ( ; unless you got big budgets and producing stereoscopic product is the end goal, then hire a consultant to dodge the bullets. There is a guy from France who lives in Hollywood who has written a book on 3D production, if you are interested I can track down his name & number. In a related note, we are currently evaluating dome technology. It produces the 3D spatial effect through immersion and the peripheral vision; similar to cave technology but cheaper. Matt ________________________________________ From: [] Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 7:28 AM To: Dougherty, Matthew T Cc: Greg Couch; BB Subject: RE: [Chimera-users] Fwd: Re: 3D stereo Hi Matt, What sort of tricks have you been able to collect over your 15+ years experience to implement stereo correctly.
participants (5)
Dougherty, Matthew T
Greg Couch
Nadir T. Mrabet
Tom Goddard