Hi there, I have been able to use Chimera many times in the past, but now when I try to run it, a dialog box pops up and I get get any further. In fact, it seems to be spawned infinitely and I cannot close it. Here is the message: "Class DBPuppet.AC_KEY_ERROR'> Can't open web info file for reading". I don't know what has changed on my system to cause this, it was working fine a week ago. Does anyone have any ideas? I am using the most stable production version right now. My operating system is Windows Vista. Thanks in advance, Christian

On Jun 21, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Christian Hesketh wrote:
Hi there, I have been able to use Chimera many times in the past, but now when I try to run it, a dialog box pops up and I get get any further. In fact, it seems to be spawned infinitely and I cannot close it. Here is the message: "Class DBPuppet.AC_KEY_ERROR'> Can't open web info file for reading". I don't know what has changed on my system to cause this, it was working fine a week ago. Does anyone have any ideas? I am using the most stable production version right now. My operating system is Windows Vista.
Hi Christian, We have an open ticket (#8515) in our bug-tracking system for this, but I don't see any activity for it since it was opened. The developer that works on that code is gone for a week and I don't see any simple fix for the problem myself. If you feel comfortable editing the Chimera Python source code, you could make a small change to <your Chimera installation>/share/DNPuppet/__init__.py that might allow you to get work done. Lines 450 and 451 should look like this: else: keyfile = self.getWebFile('w') If you edit them to put a 'return' statement between them, like this: else: return keyfile = self.getWebFile('w') then I think Chimera will work, though it might have trouble opening Chimera scripts from web pages if you do any of that. I will add you to the recipient list for the open ticket so you get a notification when a real fix occurs. --Eric Eric Pettersen UCSF Computer Graphics Lab http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu
participants (2)
Christian Hesketh
Eric Pettersen