Re: [Chimera-users] making movies with MorphMap, exporting povray scenes, FitMapInMap

Hello Greg and Tom, povray: the assumed gamma-change was indeed the problem. Thank you very much! I´m waitin for the next snapshot release MorphMap: the updated version works correctly! Thanks! Do you maybe plan in the future on offering the possibility to save a density map also in different formats than mrc (situs, imagic .. etc) ? That would be very useful... Thanks again, Christos

Hi Christos, We don't currently plan on adding the ability to write more volume file formats except perhaps hdf5. (The hdf5 would be for handling em tomography data sets that are larger than the computer memory.) The main issue is that writing files correctly is much harder than reading them, and it is especially difficult with the often poor or non-existent documentation for the density map formats. Still I agree it would be useful and I'll put it on our feature request list. Tom
participants (2)
Gatsogiannis, Christos
Tom Goddard