Re: [Chimera-users] inter-surface calculations in Chimera

Hi Gali, Eric forwarded your question to me. The Intersurf tool generates a surface between the interacting molecules that is different from the surface of either molecule - it is mainly useful for viewing an interface and showing its properties (for example, with coloring by hydrophobicity or electrostatic potential), but not for measuring the surface area. It is possible to measure volume and surface area in Chimera, but currently it is a long process. We hope to have a simpler process available in the future. I'll describe two different approaches. (1) the simpler and more approximate way to calculate buried surface area and void volume in the complex: approx buried surface area = [(surface area of X) + (surface area of Y) - (surface area of XY)] / 2 approx interface void volume = (volume of XY) - (volume of X) - (volume of Y) The "Measure Volume and Area" tool can be used to calculate the surface areas and volumes. [ measurevol.html ] The trick is to first make a surface that encloses both X and Y and measure its values. Then, make surfaces that separately enclose X and Y and measure again. Here is a concrete example. PDB structure 1cf7 has two protein chains A and B, two DNA chains C and D, and some water. I'd open the structure and delete everything but the protein and DNA. command: open 1cf7 command: select :.a-d command: sel invert command: delete sel command: surfcat complex :.a-d command: surf complex Tools... Surface/Binding Analysis... Measure Volume and Area (measure values for the complex) command: surfcat protein :.a-b command: surf protein (choose the protein surface in Measure Volume and Area, compute again) command: surfcat dna :.c-d command: surf dna (choose the dna surface in Measure Volume and Area, compute again) Finally, use the equations above. All the results can be viewed in the Reply Log (under Favorites). These values are for molecular surfaces (also known as solvent-excluded, where the probe touches), not solvent-accessible (traced by the probe center). For this structure, I calculate approx 530 square angstroms surface area buried, approx 730 cubic angstroms of interface void volume. (2) A more detailed approach can yield different values for the areas buried on X and Y: (surface area of X buried in the XY interface) = (surface area from all atoms of X in surface enclosing XY) - (surface area from all atoms of X in surface enclosing just X) with a similar equation for Y. Currently, the only way to get atomic rather than total surface areas in Chimera is by using the "Area/Volume from Web" tool [ surfvol.html ] which uses a Web server at NCBI and loads the atomic values into Chimera. Because the MSMS option of the server has problems with nucleic acids, the only choice for your complexes is to calculate solvent-accessible surface areas (not the solvent-excluded surface areas calculated by method (1) above). The main trick is to first send only XY to the server (making sure solvent, ions, etc. are NOT included). Then using Attribute Calculator, [ calculator.html ] sum the values for the atoms of X in that combined surface, and likewise get a total for Y. Then, delete everything except X and send it to the server again, getting the total for X alone. Close/reopen the structure, delete everything except Y, and send it to the server to get the total for Y alone. Subtract the value for X (Y) in the complex from the total for X (Y) alone. Here is a concrete example. PDB structure 1cf7 has two protein chains A and B, two DNA chains C and D, and some water. I'd open the structure and delete everything but the protein and DNA. command: open 1cf7 command: select :.a-d command: sel invert command: delete sel Tools... Surface/Binding Analysis... Area/Volume from Web - calculate "Accessible Surface (Gerstein)" for the "Molecule" which now consists of only the protein and DNA command: select :.a-b Tools... Structure Analysis... Attribute Calculator calculate an attribute (name doesn't matter) for "models" with the Formula: sum(atom.accessibleSurface) with the option "Restrict formula domain to current selection" write down the total for A-B (which is the PROTEIN IN THE COMPLEX) (I get approx 7473) command: select :.c-d calculate an attribute (name doesn't matter) for "models" with the Formula: sum(atom.accessibleSurface) with the option "Restrict formula domain to current selection" write down the total for C-D (which is the DNA IN THE COMPLEX) (I get approx 4502) command: delete :.c-d now only the protein is left Tools... Surface/Binding Analysis... Area/Volume from Web - calculate "Accessible Surface (Gerstein)" for the "Molecule" which now consists of only the protein - get the total for PROTEIN ALONE (Favorites... Reply Log) (I get approx 8842) command: close 0 command: open 1cf7 command: select :.c-d command: sel invert command: delete sel now only the DNA is left Tools... Surface/Binding Analysis... Area/Volume from Web - calculate "Accessible Surface (Gerstein)" for the "Molecule" which now consists of only the DNA - get the total for DNA ALONE (Favorites... Reply Log) (I get approx 5758) Use the equation above to get the buried solvent-accessible surface areas. I calculate approx 1369 square angstroms buried for the protein, approx 1256 square angstroms buried for the DNA. You can't compare these solvent-accessible areas to the solvent-excluded areas calculated by method (1) ... the solvent-accessible values are generally much larger. PHEW! I congratulate everyone who got this far. The written explanation makes it seem longer than actually performing the process. I hope this helps, Elaine On Nov 30, 2006, at 7:35 AM, galig wrote:
Dear Eric,
I have a small question regarding the calculation of inter-surfaces in Chimera: I have several protein/DNA complexes, and I would like to compare their protein/DNA interfaces. I used Tools-->surface/binding analysis-->compute interface surface and chose the protein and DNA chains. the result, if I understand it correct, is per atom. Is there a place to find the overall number representing the contact surface? is this a different or similar calculation? One more thing- how do I calculate the void intermolecular volume between the chains?
Thank you and sorry to bother you,
Gali Golan Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry The Hebrew U. of Jerusalem Jerusalem 91904 Israel Tel. 972-2-6585610 Fax 972-2-6585319
----- Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco

Hi Elaine, Would be nice to have a single Chimera command like buriedarea :.a-b :.c-d that computes all of the needed surfaces and reports all of the relavent areas without going to the web. I think it is about a day's work to make that. It has been on my list but is not a high enough priority to get any time for the next few months. Tom
participants (2)
Elaine Meng
Thomas Goddard