
I am trying do "matchmaker #2 to #1" between colab output ( best_model.pdb which is pasted here at http://ix.io/4rRO ) and https://www.rcsb.org/structure/7CR5
However, as seen in https://i.imgur.com/gHL8to3.png , there is not really much visual overlapping since the structures are not rotated properly to match each other.

The log for doing matchmaker command is available here at https://i.imgur.com/78h5CLq.png

The colab notebook is also saved as a screenshot here at https://i.imgur.com/LSTdyZe.png

Manually doing "turn z 1 270 model #1 center #1" or similar rotations commands also do not help.
Please advise.

Phung Cheng Fei