I'm writing to know if there is a way to turn on the silhouette graphical option only on selected models in ChimeraX, or is it just a global option? I have a model of an enzyme with its ligand and another model with the electron density loaded from a .map file. I want to display the electron density around the ligand as a slightly transparent mesh without silhouettes (see below) while still having silhouettes on the enzyme and ligand. Is there a way to do this? The silhouettes on the mesh make it too dark and dense (see image 2).
Thank you very much
Pedro Bule
| | Pedro Bule Assistant Professor |
| GLYCOBIOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL ENZYMOLOGY LAB P: (+351) 21 365 28 84 // 431379 | pedrobule@fmv.ulisboa.pt
| Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária Av. Universidade Técnica | 1300-477 Lisboa | PORTUGAL |