Hi David,
It’s a bug in the routine that morphing depends on to copy the initial structure.  It will be fixed in tomorrow’s build.  If you are working from a session then (also in tomorrow’s build) you can use the command “setattr st lower_case_chains true” to correct the behavior.  Thanks for alerting us to the problem!


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Oct 16, 2017, at 2:23 PM, Haselbach, David <david.haselbach@mpibpc.mpg.de> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am using morph with same true to interpolate between two models. Unfortunately the models have each so many chains that there are capital and non capital letters used. The problem I have is, if I want to color the chains in the morph result  I cant distinguish between capital and non capital chain ids anymore. So if I do "color #10/R green" not only chain R gets green but also chain r. I guess this is a bug. But is there a workaround? 


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