A few big pharma companies have tried this with no, or perhaps very limited success. ChimeraX is primarily an interactive 3-D graphics program that makes heavy use of the GPU processor that is an integral part of every personal desktop/laptop computer. It does not really make sense to run ChimeraX on a cluster and try to remotely display the output on a user's display screen. Potentially it could be made to work if the moon and stars were aligned just right and all the different software packages were at just the right version levels, but we do not support this use case and do not have the resources available to help others try and make it work. There are just too many variables (OS version, OpenGL version, etc, etc) in play to make it worthwhile to invest time into trying to get all the pieces to interoperate.  I think you will find this true of any application that makes heavy use of OpenGL.

On 1/30/20 8:36 PM, Thu Nguyen wrote:

Dear all,


I administer a small HPC cluster (Rocks 7)  at a bio research institute and a user has requested Chimerax to be installed on it.


Has anyone successfully done so ? If yes, I wish to help some hints as to how it is done and an assessment of how it performs .


Thanks and regards






Thu D. Nguyen


Systems & Computational Biology Platform

Bio21 Molecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne



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