I am attempting to use the measure convexity on each frame, and seem to have a mismatch between the frame number which goes from [0 - (N-1)] and the volume child which goes from [1 - N]. Is there a way to augment the $1 value to be $1+1?

Attached are the command calls.
This displays the convexity properly on the called frame:
vseries play #1  jumpTo 1;  measure convexity #1.2 smoothingIterations 12 palette cyan-gray-maroon range -1,1;

The does not display it because of the mismatch:
movie record; perframe "vseries play #1 jumpTo $1; measure convexity #1.$1 smoothingIterations 12 palette cyan-gray-maroon  range -1,1;" range 1,200; wait 200; movie encode C:\Users\LLSM\Desktop\Convexity.mp4 quality highest framerate 25

Thanks in advance.


Brandon Scott, PhD

SDSMT, Nanoscience