Hi Jacob,

  I would not expect any delay rotating the surface.  Maybe you are clipping  with a near clip plane and it is constantly recomputing the clipping plane cap on every motion.  In that case you could turn off clip plane caps ("surface cap false").  Even if you do that if you are using Full or Soft lighting with near clipping then the ambient shadowing of those lighting mode will update on every motion since the clipped away part constantly changes.  That casts shadows from 64 directions basically equivalent to rendering 64 frames and will slow down even the fastest graphics card.  To remedy that switch to simple lighting (Toolbar button, or command "light simple") which does not cast shadows.  If you are not using clipping then I bet something else is updating on the CPU and you will have to provide more details of what exact ChimeraX features you are using (what kind of coloring, what other models are shown, what tools are you using, ...).


On Nov 24, 2020, at 7:05 PM, Anderson, Jacob <jacob_r_anderson@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:

With large colored surfaces of maps ~2.4GB, I experience a lag/delay of several seconds during rotation and translation. Is it obvious where the bottleneck might be that causes the lag?  I am running ChimeraX on a 3090 gpu w/ 128gb ram, & 12 core CPU.  Might there be ways to change other graphics settings to make the manipulations have a less observable delay?

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