Hi all, 
Ever since I got my Macbook Pro (16-inch, 2019, 2.3GHz 8‑core Intel Core i9) I noticed the fans can go full bore for seemingly small tasks. ChimeraX is one of those - swinging a protein view around is enough to set them off, and Activity Monitor reports around 200% usage for the "UCSF ChimeraX" process. I can see that GPU usage on the inbuilt AMD Radeon Pro 5500M can get up to about 50%, too. The bottom can get quite hot - it's Summer here now, but this happens in Winter too. 

A couple of questions:
- Is this expected (for ChimeraX, not generally)? Do other people experience this? 
- Does ChimeraX use the GPU for rendering? If so, what's driving the CPU spike when I move the protein on screen? Is it just from calculating the coordinate rotations?
