Hi Elaine,

Thanks for your kindly reply. I have two protein complexes, one is 12 from pdbdev, the other one is pdb code: 4cr4. When I opened the two complex one by one, the two proteins bind, and I can't move them by each other, even by selecting one of them. I'm not sure it's because the two protein complexes are too large or else. I'll appreciate it if you can help me solving the problem. Thanks.



From: Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 4:03:13 PM
To: Fang, Fei
Cc: chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu
Subject: Re: [chimerax-users] question about chimerax
Hi Fei,
Re: moving models separately

You can select part of the model (Ctrl-click) you want to move, and then use the mouse mode to “translate selected models” or “rotate selected models”… the unselected ones will not be affected by that mouse button.  If you use the icons on the left side of the window to assign the function to the mouse, that assigns only “button 3” (right button), but you can use the “mousemode” command to assign any button, optionally in combination with some other key like Shift.


I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Chimera(X) team
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

> On Aug 8, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Fang, Fei <FEF13@pitt.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is Fei from University of Pittsburgh. Here is a question about chimera x. By introducing two structures into the chimera x, how can I move the one structure over so that they're no longer covering each other? Thanks.
> Best,
> Fei