Hi all,

Thank you so much for your input. You are all correct, the issue was with the beta-strand smoothening-- I don't think a new feature is required. 

To clarify, ChimeraX thinks the purple ribbon is just a coil because... I told it so, with setattr #1/t res ss_type 0
and the beta-smoothening of the gray chain explains the issue I was having. 

I apologize if this was confusing. I did this because, when the 2 chains were displayed with helixes and strands, they looked blended with each other (see "chimerax_blended", attached). I don't like this look. By the way, I believe this cannot be changed by tweaking with cartoon smooth! 

I am probably showcasing my naivete, but deleting this chain's secondary structure was the only way I was able to show the protein only as a coil (without helixes and strands). Is there a better way to do this? 

After your feedback, I used the transparency, cartoon, and cartoon style commands to arrange a very satisfactory display ("new_result", attached).

Thank you all very much!


Mauricio Losilla, PhD
Integrative Biology; and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
Michigan State University
he, him, his

On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 4:52 AM JAMES MICHAEL S1JJRUdFUiA= <jmkrieger@cnb.csic.es> wrote:
Thanks Elaine. That's great. That's even better than pymol then where 
it's a global setting.

Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> escribió:

> Hi James,
> Yes, ChimeraX has an option to turn off the beta-strand smoothing 
> for specific residues/chains, or the whole structure.  Example:
> open 1www
> cartoon /Y smooth 0
> cartoon smooth 0
> cartoon smooth 1
> ...where the above shows doing it for chain Y only, then the whole 
> structure, then changes back to the default smoothing of 1.0.  You 
> can also use intermediate values in the 0-1 range.  Details in 
> "cartoon" help:
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/cartoon.html__;!!HXCxUKc!h1lhfqX3hUVl90-jAZnkZtp9opCBKFVH6f0VoDOYDEkLnLgRyJZ6PUl8I0xTisc$ >
> Best,
> Elaine
> -----
> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
> UCSF Chimera(X) team
> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
> University of California, San Francisco
>> On Apr 4, 2022, at 4:19 AM, JAMES MICHAEL S1JJRUdFUiA= via 
>> ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>> Perhaps, you could turn off the beta strand flattening like in 
>> pymol. That could be quite a nice feature in chimerax if it isn't 
>> already there.
>> I think it's perfectly understandable and expectable that if you 
>> show the purple protein as spaghetti rather than a proper cartoon 
>> with helices and strands then the Calpha atoms follow their direct 
>> path (with perhaps a little smoothing) and the view does not 
>> resemble a flattened beta strand representation.
>> Best wishes
>> James
>> Tom Goddard via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> escribió:
>>> Hi Mauricio,
>>>  The weaving of the purple tubular ribbon back and forth across 
>>> the gray beta-strands is because ChimeraX smooths the beta-strand 
>>> path so it does not go exactly through the C-alpha atoms.  Because 
>>> when it goes exactly through the C-alpha atoms it looks like wavy 
>>> bacon as you showed in your rainbow ribbon image, and most people 
>>> like the smooth appearance better.  Your purple ribbon is just a 
>>> tube shape which suggests ChimeraX thinks it is all coil secondary 
>>> structure with no beta strands, so it does not smooth the it, and 
>>> it goes on the wavy path through the C-alpha atoms.  I am not sure 
>>> why ChimeraX thinks your purple model is all coil -- would need 
>>> the data to know why.
>>>  If I-Tasser made the gray model from the purple and assuming it 
>>> kept the backbone nearly in the same place, I am not sure what you 
>>> are trying to show -- maybe just that the backbone did stay in the 
>>> same place?  At any rate, you could either figure out how to make 
>>> ChimeraX recognized that the purple template has beta strands so 
>>> those get smoothed.  Or you could make ChimeraX not smooth the 
>>> gray predicted structure strands by using the "smooth" option of 
>>> the cartoon command.
>>>     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/cartoon.html__;!!HXCxUKc!h1lhfqX3hUVl90-jAZnkZtp9opCBKFVH6f0VoDOYDEkLnLgRyJZ6PUl8AeEsVj0$
>>>  Tom
>>>> On Apr 1, 2022, at 5:43 PM, Elaine Meng via ChimeraX-users 
>>>> <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>> Oops, typed the wrong number, sorry -- the ticket is #6527
>>>> Elaine
>>>>> On Apr 1, 2022, at 5:40 PM, Elaine Meng via ChimeraX-users 
>>>>> <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>> For anybody who is interested, I made a feature request ticket #6257.
>>>>> However, now that I look carefully at your original image of the 
>>>>> desired visual outcome (ideal_display.png) I see that it also is 
>>>>> "threaded" in some places, e.g. where the rainbow ribbon is 
>>>>> cyan. However, it is a lot less noticeable than in the ChimeraX 
>>>>> image because the rainbow ribbon is paper thin, what we called 
>>>>> "flat" ribbon in Chimera. ChimeraX does not have this ribbon 
>>>>> style option, although you can approximate it by making the 
>>>>> thickness of the ribbon very small instead of the default 0.4 
>>>>> Angstroms.
>>>>> I added this as a comment on the ticket.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Elaine
>>>>>> On Apr 1, 2022, at 2:20 PM, Mauricio Losilla via ChimeraX-users 
>>>>>> <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> I understand. Thank you very much for your assistance!
>>>>>> Mauricio Losilla, PhD
>>>>>> Integrative Biology; and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
>>>>>> Michigan State University
>>>>>> he, him, his
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 10:06 AM Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mauricio,
>>>>>> Probably the "real" way to do it is to save two images, one of 
>>>>>> each chain with the other one hidden, and then use a separate 
>>>>>> image-editing app like Gimp or Photoshop to composite the two 
>>>>>> images together.  I wonder if that is what the I-tasser folks 
>>>>>> did.
>>>>>> The only other idea I had seemed like cheating, to actually 
>>>>>> Z-translate the purple model closer to the user.  Also it might 
>>>>>> not look right, even if you change from perspective projection 
>>>>>> to orthoscopic (command "camera ortho")
>>>>>> I am not a programmer so I would not be the one to figure out 
>>>>>> an algorithm or how feasible it would be to implement, i.e. 
>>>>>> I'll create a feature request ticket and put you on the 
>>>>>> notification list, but can't say anything about how it will be 
>>>>>> prioritized.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Elaine
>>>>>> -----
>>>>>> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
>>>>>> UCSF Chimera(X) team
>>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>>>>>> University of California, San Francisco
>>>>>>> On Apr 1, 2022, at 8:17 AM, Mauricio Losilla via 
>>>>>>> ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Elaine,
>>>>>>> I am sorry, I didn't explain myself well, I will try to do it 
>>>>>>> here. I was able to use all your tips successfully: I split 
>>>>>>> the chain in two models, and tweaked the thickness, width, and 
>>>>>>> transparency at will. It worked great! I am attaching the 
>>>>>>> result. I think it accomplishes my original goal fairly well: 
>>>>>>> to visually represent the fit of the gray protein to the 
>>>>>>> purple template.
>>>>>>> However, the purple chain still looks sewed into the gray 
>>>>>>> chain. In the image, this is better seen in the horizontal 
>>>>>>> beta sheets at the center. The ideal display I was after is 
>>>>>>> that of the image with the rainbow-colored chain and the 
>>>>>>> purple template I sent in my original email. There, the purple 
>>>>>>> chain always looks "on top" of the rainbow chain. That is what 
>>>>>>> I meant yesterday with "the ability to superimpose the view of 
>>>>>>> one chain".
>>>>>>> In case it is helpful, the reference image and the PDB file 
>>>>>>> came from I-TASSER.
>>>>>>> I am new to ChimeraX (and to 3D shapes of molecules in 
>>>>>>> general), so I apologize if I am not making much sense.
>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>> <result.png>
>>>>>>> Mauricio Losilla, PhD
>>>>>>> Integrative Biology; and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
>>>>>>> Michigan State University
>>>>>>> he, him, his
>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 5:11 PM Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Mauricio,
>>>>>>> I don't understand "the ability to superimpose the view of one 
>>>>>>> chain" -- can you explain it in more words?  What is it that 
>>>>>>> you want, that cannot be done currently?  Maybe it is already 
>>>>>>> possible but I didn't explain it because I didn't realize that 
>>>>>>> was what you wanted.
>>>>>>> If you mean to make "cartoon style" work on just a chain 
>>>>>>> instead of whole model, it may be unlikely since the settings 
>>>>>>> it controls are per-model (not per-chain or per-residue).   
>>>>>>> However, it is already easy to split chains into separate 
>>>>>>> models with "split."
>>>>>>> Sorry if I am misunderstanding what you meant, however.
>>>>>>> Elaine
>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
>>>>>>> UCSF Chimera(X) team
>>>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>>>>>>> University of California, San Francisco
>>>>>>>> On Mar 31, 2022, at 3:42 PM, Mauricio Losilla via 
>>>>>>>> ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Elaine,
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Your workarounds 
>>>>>>>> were very helpful, I was able to tweak thickness and 
>>>>>>>> transparency, and arrived at a satisfactory display 
>>>>>>>> composition. Would you consider as a request feature the 
>>>>>>>> ability to superimpose the view of one chain?
>>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>>> Mau
>>>>>>>> Mauricio Losilla, PhD
>>>>>>>> Integrative Biology; and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
>>>>>>>> Michigan State University
>>>>>>>> he, him, his
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 11:43 AM Elaine Meng 
>>>>>>>> <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Mauricio,
>>>>>>>> Some ideas are to:
>>>>>>>> - make the gray ribbon transparent
>>>>>>>> and/or
>>>>>>>> - make the purple one thicker
>>>>>>>> I can't tell from your question whether they are in two 
>>>>>>>> separate models or not.  Even if they're together in one PDB 
>>>>>>>> file they can be defined as separate models (as is done for 
>>>>>>>> NMR ensembles, e.g. PDB 1kfp).  If the purple one is model #1 
>>>>>>>> and the gray one is #2, could be something like:
>>>>>>>> cartoon style #1 width 1 thick 1 xsect round
>>>>>>>> transparency #2 50 targ r
>>>>>>>> ...of course, you could use different width/thickness and 
>>>>>>>> transparency values.
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/cartoon.html*style__;Iw!!HXCxUKc!hKsk6lXSWeI6B9WmfXcRKCWrq70659PcqAPq2FBwdZzjDjOH6myV44XapFhvyuc$ 
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/transparency.html__;!!HXCxUKc!hKsk6lXSWeI6B9WmfXcRKCWrq70659PcqAPq2FBwdZzjDjOH6myV44Xa-fKcbds$>
>>>>>>>> The cartoon style command works on whole models, so you would 
>>>>>>>> need them to be in separate models for that approach.  If 
>>>>>>>> your current PDB file does not have them in separate models, 
>>>>>>>> you could either text-edit it to add MODEL and ENDMDL 
>>>>>>>> records, or (probably easier) use the "split" command after 
>>>>>>>> opening it.
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/split.html__;!!HXCxUKc!hKsk6lXSWeI6B9WmfXcRKCWrq70659PcqAPq2FBwdZzjDjOH6myV44XaI58NOwM$ 
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> I hope this helps,
>>>>>>>> Elaine
>>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>>> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> UCSF Chimera(X) team
>>>>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>>>>>>>> University of California, San Francisco
>>>>>>>>> On Mar 31, 2022, at 10:02 AM, Mauricio Losilla via 
>>>>>>>>> ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I am new to ChimeraX, thank you for making this great 
>>>>>>>>> software available.
>>>>>>>>> I loaded a pdb file that has 2 amino acid chains aligned 
>>>>>>>>> (chimerax.png). These chains are a model (gray) and template 
>>>>>>>>> (purple).
>>>>>>>>> As you can see, the two chains look weaved or blended. I 
>>>>>>>>> would much prefer to display the uninterrupted template 
>>>>>>>>> around to model, to visually represent their fit. Is there a 
>>>>>>>>> way to do this?
>>>>>>>>> I am attaching a second image (ideal_display.png, generated 
>>>>>>>>> elsewhere) with the visual outcome I am after (the purple 
>>>>>>>>> chain is the template, the rainbow-colored chain is the 
>>>>>>>>> model).
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>> Mauricio Losilla, PhD
>>>>>>>>> Integrative Biology; and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior
>>>>>>>>> Michigan State University
>>>>>>>>> he, him, his