
There is some ChimeraX developer info online, including a bundle tutorial and some API documentation, at

The current session object can be accessed through the Shell tool (Tools -> General -> Shell).

Hope that helps,


From: ChimeraX-users <> on behalf of Stylianos Iliadis via ChimeraX-users <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 3:55 AM
To: <>
Subject: [chimerax-users] Developing a ChimeraX bundle - accessing programmatically ChimeraX(GUI open) session



I would like to develop a small bundle-plugin for automatically annotating residue labels in protein structures. I tried to access ChimeraX via command line when ChimeraX was running (GUI open) with an opened protein structure in order to study the structure objects hierarchy( chain ->residue ->atoms). This would help me understand it better and code accordingly. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to do so.


Could you please suggest me a way, a page or terminal where I could read more about the internal structure of ChimeraX and if possible to programmatically access a session when it’s running in ChimeraX.


Kind regards,

Stel Iliadis