Hi Elaine... the "view name 'NAME' " and "view 'NAME'" pair of commands turned out to be exactly what I needed. Sorry I did not fully understand the manual at first glance...



On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 2:55 PM Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
You can save multiple views with different names (see "view name") and then gradually transition between them using "view" and "frames" with some number of frames.

This is all explained in the "view" manual page

See also "making movies" and links therein to movie tutorials:

Several commands have frame arguments directly within them, or if they don't, you can combine them with "perframe" commands for a repeated action.

Making movie scripts is generally an iterative process with many adjustments and replays.  One wouldn't expect to just look at a script and predict the exact command to make it look how somebody else wants it to look.

I hope this helps,

> On Jul 29, 2020, at 11:19 AM, Megan Mayer <mmayer@nanoimagingservices.com> wrote:
> Hi Elaine, again, thank you very much. The hover tool is incredibly useful. I am now able to zoom the the sulphur atom.
> However, is there a way to slowly zoom from the entire structure, to the desired model number, in my video? Here is the example of what I use, but isn't quite right (i attached an example movie):
> #zoom into specific area then zoom back out to original
> movie record ; view orient ; wait 20 ; zoom 1.2 100; view #3 clip false ; wait 20; view orient ; movie encode ~/
> Thank you very much,
> Megan