Hi Tom,

  ChimeraX VR will not work on an Oculus Quest headset.  Oculus Quest is a standalone headset, it doesn't connect to a PC, and it runs the Android operating system.  ChimeraX runs on Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems but not Android.  Since Android is a cell-phone operating system and the molecular biology research applications we focus on is not typically done on cell-phones, it is not likely ChimeraX will ever run on Android -- it would be a big project to make that happen.

  Here are some slides that talk a bit about the VR hardware ChimeraX runs on and also mentions other AR/VR hardware we it does not work on and gives some details why



On Aug 26, 2019, at 2:12 PM, Thomas Gluick <tgluick@ggc.edu> wrote:


First please excuse my computer language ignorance.  My question is: Is the Oculus Quest compatible with Chimera X; if it is, is software available to link the program to the Quest.  I am aware already that the Rift can be connected and also certain phones.

Thank you for you time.



Dr. Thomas Gluick
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
School of Science and Technology
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