Hi all,

I just started model building in cryoEM maps and get great results using ISOLDE on AlphaFold2-derived initial models. I have a question which is mainly directed to Tristan I guess:

Is is possible to use the command line/script to apply secondary structure restraints in ISOLDE? I would like to restrain the initial secondary structure assignment from Alphafold especially at resolution worse than 3.5 A. At the moment I select each and every residue range assigned to helix, parallel or antiparallel beta-strand one after the other and turn on the corresponding restrains in the ISOLDE GUI. Is there a better way via command line of script?



PD Dr. Guido Hansen
Group Leader


Universität zu Lübeck
Institut für Biochemie

Tel +49 451 3101 3122
Fax +49 451 3101 3104
E-Mail hansen@biochem.uni-luebeck.de

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck