Thank you so much for the info!

On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:19 AM Elaine Meng <> wrote:
Hi Bani,
Firstly, there is balloon help that just pops up temporarily when you put the cursor over the structure.  It may show atom name, residue name, residue number, chain ID, model number.

To get the labels that remain displayed however, you can just use the menu: Actions... Labels... [many choices for atoms or residues].  The Actions menu applies to the current selection, or if nothing is selected, to everything.

There are lots of choices in the menu, so you may not need to worry specifically about attributes.  However, if you would rather know and/or specify all the details, you can instead use the "label" command:


The "label" command "attribute" option allows putting different information into the label. There are several examples of using this option in the help page:

...and many more attribute names listed here

I'm not sure what you mean by "how does info residues work and info resattr" -- everything I know about these commands are in their help pages, so you should look there and/or just try them if you're still interested in using them:


I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.                       
UCSF Chimera(X) team
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

> On Oct 19, 2023, at 9:44 PM, Bani Kaur via ChimeraX-users <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope you are well! My name is Bani Kaur and I am a ChimeraX user. I wanted to ask you about how I can specify labels on ChimeraX, specifically with finding the names of the residues on a protein. Additionally, how does info residues work and info resattr. I would appreciate any help and guidance!
> Thanks!
> Best,
> Bani Kaur