Dear ChimeraX wizards,

I was trying to generate hbond analysis via nogui, by issuing "chimerax --nogui --script "myscript.cxc",

where in the script I put the following commands:

open /Users/visvaldas/temp0000.pdb
select /B
hbonds sel saveFile /Users/visvaldas/temp00.hbonds restrict cross batch true

However, something is wrong with hbonds line since I am getting this error:
Executing: runscript myscript.cxc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 83, in open_python_script
    code = compile(data,, 'exec')
  File "myscript.cxc", line 4
    hbonds sel saveFile /Users/visvaldas/temp00.hbonds restrict cross batch true
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What I am doing wrong?
(Also, when using GUI, the hbonds line was much longer, so I deleted those reveal, color, etc entities to make it more relevant to batch. (The "long" line
hbonds sel saveFile /Users/visvaldas/temp00.hbonds color #fffb00 dashes 5 restrict cross reveal true retainCurrent true
from the GUI  does not work either)

Best wishes,
