Hi Shiqing,

  I added a menu to the Marker Placement panel to choose which marker set is used when adding markers with the mouse.  Also the "New" button will make a new marker set.  These improvements will be in tonight's ChimeraX builds.


On Jun 30, 2021, at 8:47 AM, Elaine Meng via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Hi Shiqing,
In your example command, #5 is telling it to add to marker model #5.  If there is a different marker set it would have a different model number.  So if you are adding the marker with a command, you can control it directly by the model number in that command.  However, the example command you gave isn't quite right, maybe you meant:

marker #5 position 1,1,1 radius 100

"marker" command details:

You are probably talking about adding the marker with the mouse, however.  In that case, you are right:  I don't see a way to control which marker model is used.  Maybe we did not plan for people to have multiple marker models.  So maybe this is a type of control that can be added in the future.


Sorry about that,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.                       
UCSF Chimera(X) team
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Jun 29, 2021, at 7:29 PM, SHIQING LIAO via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:


I’m trying to have multiple marker files because I would like them to have different radius and coloring distance. I figured out that I can create new marker files by “marker #5 1,1,1 radius 100”, for example. However, if I add new markers, the new marker always goes to the first marker file, instead of the selected marker file that I want. Any help is really appreciated!


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