Hi Alejandro,

  ChimeraX remembers your Google Colab sign-in.  I don't understand why it would not let you sign in.  A screenshot showing what you see would help understand the problem.

  If you signed in and ran AlphaFold previously but you want to change the account you sign in with, that should also be possible by clicking the image in the upper right corner of the AlphaFold Run panel which is just a web browser -- that button which shows the icon for your Google account will pull down a menu and let you sign out.  And then you can also use it to sign in to another account.

  If somehow the ChimeraX remembered Google sign-in is causing problems you can delete that remembered sign-in info.  On Mac you would delete the directory

~/Library/Caches?/UCSF ChimeraX/QtWebEngine/AlphaFold

This is described further in this ChimeraX bug report



On Nov 14, 2022, at 7:36 AM, Abraham, Alejandro via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Dear ChimeraX Support Team,

Before all, congratulations on such awesome software.
On another note I wanted to contact you because I am not able to connect to Google sign in when trying to predict with alpha fold. Is there a way to reset login ?

Thanks again.



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