I've played with this a bit now Tom and I still think the Chimera implementation is superior for some use cases, as it is more flexible - it is easy to remove or add volumes or models to the series "on the fly", whereas in ChimeraX this needs to be done when creating the series (unless I am missing something which is entirely possible!). 

It would be great to have at some point an implementation of a "default" model/volume series as exists in Chimera, where one can click next/prev or have an option to temporarily add/remove each model from the series.


On Sep 29, 2021, at 3:30 PM, Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> wrote:

Hi Oli,

  The "mseries slider" command in ChimeraX provides a related capability to flip through several models using a slider, for example,

mseries slider #1-5,7-12

allows displaying one of the specified models without effecting the display of models that are not listed in the command.


On Sep 29, 2021, at 9:42 AM, Oliver Clarke via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:


The Next/Previous buttons in original Chimera, combined with the capacity to lock the display status of one model (using the "Skip") checkboxes, are really useful when  comparing multiple maps (particularly multiple aligned maps with a single atomic model), and I really miss this functionality in ChimeraX... would it be possible to add it to the (diminishing!) list of features to port over?


PS My mind was blown yesterday when I found out that ChimeraX has (universal?) undo/redo bound to hotkeys! Would it be possible to add the option of user defined hotkeys...? E.g. for invoking a custom function, style, lighting etc?
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