First up, thank you and your team for all your efforts in creating and maintaining Chimera and ChimeraX. They are an awesome tool/package!

It would be very helpful if you could please assist me with the two questions below.
1) I have a PDB downloaded from Alphafold. I would like to ‘drag out’ or reposition regions in order to enable their better visualization for a figure that I need for a grant. How can I select and reposition specific regions of a protein structure in ChimeraX?

2) The protein of my interest is a homodimer. I would like to open two copies of the relevant PDB file and manipulate them as two separate proteins. I have made a duplicate and relabeled the PDB file. However, when I open it ChimeraX along with the original, the two files seem linked, and I am unable to work on them separately. Is there a way to open two copies of the same PDB file to ‘recreate’ a homodimer?

Thank you,

Mahesh B. Chandrasekharan, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Investigator, Huntsman Cancer Institute

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Hematology & Hematological Malignancies

University of Utah School of Medicine

2000 Circle of Hope Room 3715

Huntsman Cancer Institute

Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5540

Phone: 801-213-4220

Administrative Assistant: Coreen Rankin (801-585-3599)

Lab site: https://uofuhealth.utah.edu/huntsman/labs/chandrasekharan