Hi Scott,

  You are right it is not hard to add to hide dust filtering of both big and small objects.  But it is so specialized that I suggest you implement it as a Python script.  We have so many features that would get used by hundreds of researchers and lack the time to add features that are more specialized and have a much smaller audience of users.  As far as individually coloring and displaying connected blobs, how would your choose those, there are usually thousands of them?  If you mean manually click on individual blobs to color and measure them, there is a Chimera 1 tool called measure and color blobs that does that


that we plan to move to ChimeraX but have not done it yet.


On Apr 30, 2019, at 7:34 AM, Scott, Brandon L. wrote:

We can currently remove objects of a given size; it seems like it would be fairly straightforward to allow a range of object sizes to be kept from the middle, i.e. remove objects less than 20 and greater than 1000.

Additionally, it would be really helpful if we could output the 'dusted' components as a new model so they could be individually colored and displayed, or be able to access the measured sizes of the objects for further analysis.

Brandon Scott, PhD
SDSMT, Nanoscience
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