Thank you very much Greg ! In fact it works very well on my Ubuntu system. The only one issue that I noticed is the lag with the production of the image in no-gui mode, which workes much faster in normal mode when I see a blink of the chimera-x GUI. In terminal I see Executing: save image_full_Paired-12.png supersample 9 width 1600 height 1600 and then it takes several minutes to complete the job while with the GUI it's only 5-10 sec Yours with thanks, Enrico Il giorno mar 18 lug 2023 alle ore 20:05 Greg Couch <> ha scritto:
Lucky for you, you're on Linux, so you can use the ChimeraX "--nogui --offscreen" options to be able to do offscreen rendering in nogui mode. That uses a software implementation of OpenGL, so the graphics is much slower than when the GUI is used (that annoying window that pops up). The default image size is window size, and in nogui mode, the default simulated window size is 256x256. You can change the simulated window size with "windowsize 1920 1080". Many of the ChimeraX commands use the window's aspect ratio to scale the data. Or you can change the image size in the save command: "save image.png width 1920 height 1080".
I would also recommend getting rid of the "exit" command at the end of your cxc script and instead give the "--exit" option to ChimeraX. That means your script can be used without terminating your ChimeraX session, for example from the command line with "open script.cxc".
At some point in the future, we intend to support hardware accelerated offscreen rendering that would work on Linux, macOS, and Windows. But that depends on other projects we have not scheduled yet.
On 7/18/2023 8:30 AM, Enrico Martinez via ChimeraX-users wrote:
Dear ChimeraX users !
I have a quick technical question. Typically I run ChimeraX with a batch script in order to perform some manipulation with input pdb and print the output image / save chimera-X session.
In my Ubuntu terminal I run it using: chimerax script.cxc
where the script could be something like :
### open input.pdb
# do some manipulation like view, orient etc
save image.png exit ##
It works OK but, while running from linux terminal I have a quickly open-closed Chimera-X window which is not very practical when I put this script in loop etc. Is there any possibility to fully suppress the Chimera-X gui when I run my script in batch mode from the terminal?
Many thanks in advance
Enrico _______________________________________________ ChimeraX-users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Archives: