Here's an image of what the QScore plugin looks like in ChimeraX. You can click on the plot that shows scores for each residue and it will show the nearby sidechains and map. Also it is super fast computing scores for 1000 residues in about 10 seconds.TomOn Jul 19, 2023, at 3:28 PM, Tom Goddard via ChimeraX-users <> wrote:Hi Thu,_______________________________________________Yes, there is a nice QScore plugin for ChimeraX courtesy of Tristan Croll (creater of the ISOLDE refinement package). You get it using ChimeraX menu Tools / More Tools.... That will show a web page where you might need to click "More newest releases". Find the plugin called QScore and press the Install button on its page.You can see info about the QScore plugin at the following page, but you should install it using the Tools / More Tools... ChimeraX menu entry (easier than downloading and installing).TomOn Jul 19, 2023, at 1:03 PM, Thu Nguyen via ChimeraX-users <> wrote:Good afternoon,_______________________________________________I am calculating the Q-Scores in cryo-EM density maps and found the MapQ Plugin in Chimera that does Q3-score calculation and visualization. I wonder if we have a similar plugin in ChimeraX that does Q-score calculation?Thank you very much.Best regards,Thu
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