Hi Bo,

  Unfortunately those grayed out buttons in ChimeraX Segment Map (aka Segger) are not available since they have not been migrated from old Chimera to ChimeraX.  Probably those buttons should not even appear in the user interface.  Greg Pintilie developed developed these capabilities and I don't know if he plans in the future to provide them in ChimeraX.

  You can select regions and use the File / Save Selected Regions to .mrc file menu in the Segment Map tool.



On Sep 25, 2023, at 1:54 PM, Bo Chen via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Dear ChimeraX,

I tried to use Segment Map to remove some portions of the cryoEM map, and extract the selected portion, but the extract button remains shaded. The only tab in the “other tools” row that appears to be activated is “Fit”. I have the most recent version of ChimeraX installaed(Sept 19).
Could you give me some hints how to activate the extract in “Other tools” under the “Shortcut options” in “Segment Map”?  


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