

I would like to use “surface zone” command to visualise a substrate channel in an animation of an MD trajectory. For that I would like to regenerate the surface every frame with “perframe”.

However, if I do that when I record the movie the entire surface (instead of just the selected zone) will flash before the zone is displayed. Is there any way so that only the surface zone will be displayed from frame to frame without the entire surface flashing?

I essentially just would like to follow the changes to the substrate channel without any distractions.


Thank you,




Józef R. Lewandowski
Professor  |  Department of Chemistry |  University of Warwick
j.r.lewandowski@warwick.ac.uk  |  External: +44 (0) 24 76151355 |  Internal: 51355  

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Lewandowski group website | Warwick solid-state NMR group website